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A healthy organization is one that can effectively work through the endless challenges brought forth in this fast paced global landscape. When the forces that strain health pound against a healthy organization, the people within rally around their common goal and leverage their strong sense of team to achieve success.
My passion is helping leaders and their organizations effectively reach what they set out to acheive. This site is designed to introduce you to my philsophy and approach.  I invite you to start a conversation to see how I can help your organization.
All the best,
Kim Goff
change the dialoge.

Change the




Over the years organizations have created structure to improve productivity and minimize risk of failure. This structure which shows up in various forms (i.e. meetings, planning processes, and operating procedures) can have serious unintended consequences. 


A structured meeting or a defined process produces a predictable result as intended. What intriques me is how this well intended structure can actually create blinds spots for leaders and teams in an organization.


What critical issue doesn't surface because it wasn't on the agenda? What possible solution or new creation isn't discovered because the players in the organization were so focused on 'the way we do it'?


Identifying these blind spots and breaking the hidden patterns that act as restraints, allows an organization to renew and adapt as it works to acheive its goals.


Can you sense these type of restraints in your organization? Do you need help breaking patterns that no longer serve your organization? Change starts with enabling new dialoge. Let's talk about what that might look like in your organization.


Is your org



If you had an annual check-up for your organization would you get a clean bill of health? Just like the human body, organizations are made up of many integrated systems (i.e. functional teams) each with unique responsibilites that serve the whole.


Is your organziation functioning at the optimal performance level? Are there signs or symptoms that could be indiators of an issue or illness?


Every organization has its own DNA.  Health matters are dependent on its make up, 'lifestyle', values, intentions, and circumstances. Let's talk about my process for discovering and improving the health of your organization.

Start the Conversation.
Kim Goff

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Kim Goff

It starts here.


It is wonderful what great strides can be made when there is a resolute purpose behind them.


Sir Winston Churchill

British Statesman, Prime Minister, Nobel Prize Winner


Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.


Stephen R. Covey
Motivational Writer



A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.


Spanish Proverb






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